Nov 10, 2019
We had tickets to Meow Wolf for 10:40 AM so it was a lazy morning. Not that there was much of a choice considering Holly and Dana had both stayed up until 4 in the morning. Of course, the kids had not stayed up that late so Olivia was up at her normal 8 ish. I was up at my normal time as well and took Olivia inside to play with Dana’s kids. It is a good thing that the Meow Wolf is only 15 minutes drive away so we didn’t arrive to much after our ticket time.
Housed in a rather non-descript building, it is hard to describe what Meow Wolf is. Best I can describe it is an unusual fun house. When you enter, it looks like a regular house but filled with secret doors and passageways leading to different environments. You might go through a refrigerator find yourself in a futuristic space station or you might go into a closet that has a passage leading to a treehouse. It was a highly imaginative and fun place to go and I would recommend it to anyone in the area. I think it is one of the most favorite places Olivia has been so far and we spent the whole day there.
I wish I had better words or pictures to show what Meow Wolf is like however there are some youtube videos people have made that do a much better job than me.
We parked the RV near the Meow Wolf and it looked like a good spot so we just decided to stay there for the night. No driving home for us as home is where we park it.