January 22, 2020
Today was the big day for moving to the new RV park. Since our Spanish class ended at 11 and Olivia’s class ended at 12 I headed back to the RV to finish packing up and to tell the hotel we were leaving. I had everything ready to go when Holly and Olivia returned at 12:30. All set we drove off to the San Miguel RV park.
On our previous visit the RV park manager had given us a street map with a very specific route to drive to the RV park. The issue is that the San Miguel RV park is near the center of San Miguel and San Miguel is an old colonial city with very narrow cobblestone streets. As we made one of the last turns to the RV park there was some street construction and we were forced off the route marked on the map and immediately entered a maze of very narrow cobblestone streets. By narrow I mean really, really, narrow. At several points we had to fold in our side view mirrors to get by and at one point Holly got so nervous she got out of the vehicle to help guide us between buildings. One American passerby said I must be a good driver to get our rig through the streets. We had pedestrians turn around and go around the corner when they saw us coming as there was literally no room for a person to squeeze between our vehicle and the walls surrounding us. Some places we had perhaps an inch or two clearance on each side. It was quite an adventure but eventually we managed to find an alternate route to the RV park.

We gratefully pulled into the RV park and since it was past 1:30 and I hadn’t even had breakfast yet we immediately went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. After lunch I took Olivia to the park while Holly made dinner. There we met Jim and his family. Jim ran a travel website in the US and also did photography, two things we were interested in learning more about. We exchanged information and hoped to get together later. Tired from our adventure we turned in early.