Feb 19, 2020
We got up early to get ready to go. I topped off the fresh water, checked vehicle fluid levels, tire air pressure then had to pack everything away. This was much harder than before since I now had to fit our new BBQ grill in our storage compartment. However, by 11:00 we were ready to roll.
As we pulled out of the RV Park we all felt a little sad to be leaving San Miguel. We had really enjoyed our time there and had made many new friends. We had just gotten used to the town and got to know our way around and we were leaving. However the open road beckoned and it felt good to be free and moving again. Looking back on our stay in San Miguel it would definitely rank as one of our top five places to live if we decide to settle down again. The town is not too expensive, has excellent weather, is very walkable, has most of the conveniences and things we want to buy.
Our first stop after pulling out of the RV park was a propane station to fill up our propane tank. Next we made a last visit to the La Comer supermarket to get some lunch and to get Holly’s favorite Chili Rellenos. Then it was finally on our way. We fired up our Mama Mia soundtrack and headed for Santiago de Queretaro a larger city about an hour and a half drive away. The drive was easy and the landscape and buildings looked a lot like Texas.
Soon enough we were in Queretaro. It is a decent sized city and after almost two months in the small town of San Miguel we were looking around like country bumpkins. Look! A Chuck E Cheese! Look! A Walmart! Look at all the tall buildings! Look at all the traffic! As we arrived our first stop was… Drum roll…. Costco! Yes, we were excited about visiting Costco. Mindful of our limited space we only spent about US$150. We stocked up on rather mundane things like garbage bags, seaweed snacks, a new laptop table, a small bag of Thai Rice, a bit of smoked salmon along with some groceries. We enjoyed a few Costco samples and on the way out we got a Costco hot dog and an ice cream Sunday. While going to Costco might not seem very exciting to most people in the US we were happy to have a little taste of home.

After loading up at Costco we went to Sergio and Adriana’s house. We didn’t know them but followed the listing on iOverlander which said they had a large walled yard to park in and they welcomed travelers. When we got there though they were not there. There was a friendly neighbor outside though that told us that they would be back later that night and that it would be OK to park on the street outside the house. Great! We were set so we just parked, closed up for the evening, made dinner, did homework and turned in for the night.