We got up bright and early to leave. Our destination was Valle De Bravo with Google showing a six and a half hour drive although I knew that it would take us closer to nine hours if we drove straight through since we are big and slow moving. I knew that we were not going to make it Valle De Bravo in one day but we could see how far we get and just pull over at a gas station or something for the night. There is a huge mountain range right down the middle of most of Mexico so as we went inland we were going uphill. The climate change very quickly from humid tropical heat to temperate coolness which was wonderful. We were taking a smaller highway instead of the main toll road but it was in excellent condition as it curved up the mountain past farms and small mountain villages. As a bonus we were able to bypass a few of the expensive toll booths. Within an hour we were up back in cool, comfortable weather.
A couple hours later we reached Chilpancingo where we just had to stop by a Sam’s Club to pick up some groceries and have lunch at a small Chinese restaurant called the China Palace which had no Chinese working there but acceptable Chinese food although everything was a bit too sweet. Any port in a storm.

By 5 pm, we had reached Cuernavaca where iOverlander showed that a Supermarket Chedraui parking lot allowed overnight parking. We pulled in and asked the service desk if we could stay one night and they said yes so we bought a few more groceries and closed up for the night. At 11pm we heard a knocking at our door and found a couple of security guards outside. It turns out that no one had told the night guards that we had permission to stay. After some discussion they let us stay the rest of the night with no problems.