Olivia wanted to go to the Dinosaur miniature golf course so we went there in the morning before it got too hot. It was a pretty nice mini golf course with a fire erupting volcano, plenty of dinosaur models and some of the holes even had small sand traps which was a bit different.

It had been surprisingly hot in Canada so far. Canada is not usually associated with heat so we were eager to get moving northwards to Toronto so it was time to get going. Our first destination was the cute town of Niagara on the Lake which is located where the Niagara river empties out onto Lake Ontario. Along the way we passed by a number of wineries. It turns out that Niagara is about the same latitude as northern California and France so this part of Canada has a good grape-producing climate.

We stopped by a couple of wineries and Holly had tied some of their wines including an unusual Ice Wine which is a very sweet dessert wine made from grapes that have been left on the vine after the fall harvest and allowed to freeze in the winter.

We arrived at Niagara on the Lake in the late afternoon and strolled along the main street which was filled with expensive boutique stores and chic restaurants. We stopped by a hat store but did not by any of the $130 and up hats. We spent most of our time at a local park which had a free live orchestra performance. The park also had a playground and splash pad for the kids so it was a perfect warm summer evening’s entertainment. We enjoyed the concert before returning to Rover for dinner.