We woke in the morning to find that the parking lot was full. Turns out one of the buildings we had parked in front of hosts a weekend farmer’s market. Bonus! We went to the farmers market and had a nice breakfast and got a few veggies.

Afterwards I took Olivia to the Discovery Museum nearby. This is a nice 3 story children’s museum and spent the whole day there while Holly enjoyed some alone time in Rover practicing making videos.

The museum closed at 4 pm and Holly came to join us to explore the Halifax waterfront. This is a very nice boardwalk full of restaurants and art. We particularly enjoyed one art installation named “drunken streetlight” which has one working streetlight that looks melted down to the floor while another streetlight looks over it in concern. After that we enjoyed an ice cream at an outdoor food court.

Further down we found a large wave the people could climb on next to a playground with a submarine. We don’t have to tell you we spent a lot of time there. It was actually a lot of fun climbing the steep wave and sliding down. Olivia even met another Chinese girl in the playground and had a lot of fun there. We walked the entire waterfront before returning to Rover for dinner.

The next day was overcast and rainy so we decided to do something different and went to The Board Room Game Café. This is a café which has hundreds of board games and a game curator. We told the game curator that we wanted some games good for three people that an 8 year old could play and she quickly returned with three games. They also had good internet, power, snacks and drinks, what a great way to spend a rainy day at only CAD$6 a person not too expensive. We spent pretty much all day there playing games and using the internet. We particularly liked a game called “Hey, that’s my Fish!” which is about penguins trying to catch fish as the ice breaks up.

As the evening came, the rain stopped and the sun came out so we went for a walk to the local Citadel which had sweeping views of the city and harbor. It was closed by the time we got there so we were unable to go in but it was nice anyway. After a brisk walk, we got hungry so we went to a Chinese Hot Pot restaurant for dinner. We considered trying one of the seafood restaurants but they were a little expensive and had mixed reviews. With full tummies we stopped by the Drunken Streetlights one more time before returning to Rover for the night.