My Aunt and Uncle were going to Las Vegas for a vacation on Tuesday so we went with them one more time on Monday. This time we went to New York’s third Chinatown in Flushing. New York’s three Chinatown’s are very distinctive. The one in Manhattan is a warren of fix and six story buildings right in the middle of town, a very high density Chinatown similar in some respects to San Francisco’s Chinatown with stores and restaurants on the ground floor and tenement apartments above. There are many Chinese decorations and many tourists shopping at souvenir stores. The Brooklyn Chinatown consists of one long street of mostly two story commercial buildings with townhouses going off the cross streets. It is mostly a 1980’s commercial area with stores and grocery markets, no tourists or souvenir stores. The Flushing Chinatown is a few blocks of crowded three and four story commercial buildings along with a few Chinese malls which feels a lot like a more modern China. No tourists and above the stores are offices.

We went to the New World Mall and had lunch in the Chinese food court in the basement. This mall food court was not as good as the New Pacific Mall food court in Toronto. There were too many noodle stalls and the food was not as good as the New Pacific Mall.

After lunch we took the subway to the Hudson Yards where we looked at the cool looking structure called the Vessel. Unfortunately, it was closed since people had taken a liking to committing suicide by jumping off the top. We went to the mall instead for a little bit before going back to B&H video to look at wireless microphones again to consider a couple of other options but again ended up putting off the purchase. We returned to Chinatown to meet my Aunt to return to her house in New Jersey. We had planned to leave the next day but it was raining and storming all day so we took a rest day and stayed in Rover for the entire day.