After over a week at my Aunt’s house it was nice to be back on the road again. Even though we had gone out for many days and even overnighted in a hotel in New York, heading out in Rover felt like we were moving forward again. Besides it was starting to get cold and dark which meant that we really needed to start heading south. We also decided on purchasing the Hollyland Lark 150 as our wireless microphone and I ordered on Amazon for delivery in Delaware to save on the sales tax.
We didn’t go far though, only to the Six Flags in New Jersey. New York had been a rather expensive stay and Six Flags is our fun cheap day since everything is prepaid. The Six Flags in New Jersey is a good sized Six Flags with all the expected rides and we were able to pick up our favorite item, Turkey Legs! Olivia got to go on few rides and we found a Walmart nearby for the evening.

The next day we drove to southern New Jersey, just on the other side of Philadelphia and had lunch at Donkey’s Place. This restaurant only serves one thing and that is cheesesteak. Unlike a Philadelphia cheesesteak sandwich Donkey’s serves their sandwich on a soft Kaiser roll and Anthony Bourdain though it was the best cheesesteak sandwich. It was certainly large with a very generous amount of meat but we thought it was just OK.

Afterwards we went into Philadelphia itself where we saw the famous Liberty Bell and then Independence Hall.

This continued Olivia’s history lesson on the American Revolution and I believe that Olivia now knows more about the Revolutionary war than most 8 year olds. She will certainly retain it better than most kids who just read about it in a book.

We left Philadelphia in the afternoon, as we wanted to move along and drove down to Wilmington, Delaware to pick up our new wireless microphones and do a long delayed sewage dump before finding a nice Cabela’s to spend the night. It had been well over a week since we visited a dump station but between going to New York a lot, eating out a lot and being able to use the bathroom in my Aunt’s house we were able to stretch our time between dumps to a new record.