We were back on the road again and our first stop going west is San Antonio. We had stayed up past midnight visiting friends so we were off to a sluggish late start. We still got to San Antonio in the late afternoon and we went to the Six Flags for dinner. With our membership, parking, entry and food was free so we just went in for dinner and a few rides before going to a nearby Cracker Barrel for the night.

The next morning we returned to the Six Flags for lunch before starting on our long drive to El Paso. Over 550 mile and 8 hours’ drive of boring it was too much to handle for one day so we just drove 4 hours to Fort Stockton before turning in for the evening. We noticed the change in the climate immediately. Even though it was 95 degrees in Fort Stockton the humidity was zero and it was much more comfortable than 85 degrees in Houston. We made it to El Paso the next day and our first stop was a mall so that Olivia could play a bit and get some energy out after two days of driving. We did not have any dental insurance so Holly made an appointment with a dentist in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico for the next day. Ciudad Juarez is right across the border from El Paso and having spent a year in Mexico we were not concerned about crossing the border for the day. We figured it would be a lot cheaper and the dentist office would even send a car to pick us up on the Mexican side of the border.