Jan 17 Lunch at school

January 17, 2020

Our Spanish school actually had a small café in it.  They served coffee, tea, juice, one kind of sandwich and one kind of burrito.  While a few people got drinks we had never seen anyone order food.  Every morning when we arrived the staff made a sandwich and a burrito as a sample to put on the counter and the samples looked pretty good.  The prices for the food were excellent at 25 pesos (US$1.25) for a sandwich and 18 pesos (US$0.90) for a burrito so we decided to give it a try.

The sandwiches at the Language school cafe were freshly made, delicious and only US$1.25
The burritos were good too and an even better deal at US$0.90.

The food turned out to be pretty good.  The sandwich turned out to be a grilled chicken sandwich which was delicious and the burrito was a chicken burrito with avocado and tomatoes which was pretty good.  After having lunch we returned to the hotel to study and rest.  That night Holly made some yummy fried ribs along with carrots for dinner.

Holly made a great dinner of ribs and roasted carrots. Who needs to go out to eat?

We decided that our school was pretty good and that we would spend another month in San Miguel to study Spanish.  As such we will largely setting in a standard schedule of going to school in the morning, then studying or regular chores in the afternoon.  In order to avoid boring everyone with, for the next month while we are in San Miguel the posts may be a bit more intermittent based on if anything interesting happens but at there will be at least one or two posts a week. If you don’t think my short posts are boring please comment below!






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