Tag: New Jersey

  • Oct 27-28, 2021 Philadelphia!

    Oct 27-28, 2021 Philadelphia!

    After over a week at my Aunt’s house it was nice to be back on the road again.  Even though we had gone out for many days and even overnighted in a hotel in New York, heading out in Rover felt like we were moving forward again.  Besides it was starting to get cold and…

  • Oct 16-17, 2021 Giant Crab!

    Oct 16-17, 2021 Giant Crab!

    Connecticut is a small state so we had just one stop, Louis Lunch in New Haven.  In 1900 Louis Lassen invented the hamburger in this extremely small restaurant by broiling a ground beef patty and putting it between two slices of toast.  They still serve this original hamburger made the exact same way, even using…

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