We completed our tour of route 100 by going through the Smuggler’s Notch pass which was actually used to smuggle freed slaves before the Civil War to Canada, alcohol from Canada to the US during Prohibition, and finally used by conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War to escape to Canada. Now it is a very narrow but pretty scenic pass where we had to back up at one point so that oncoming traffic could get by.
On the other side of the pass we found a U-pick apple farm called Adam’s Apple Orchard where we had to stop and pick way more apples than we could reasonably use.

After that we drove a couple of hours back down south to Six Flags, Great Escape in Lake George which was decorated for Halloween Fright Night. They had Halloween decorations out with spider webs, smoke machines and staff dressed as witches and monsters. It was pretty cool but despite warnings Fright Night was not for kids, it was not too scary. This is one of the smaller Six Flags and must have been originally something else because it was so small and none of the standard Six Flags rides were available. Still we had a great time and stayed until closing.

We had been travelling pretty hard for a while and even though we spent several days in Boston we were touring every day. For the next two days, we took our time making our way back to Boston driving just a couple hours a day and just going from Walmart to Cracker Barrel with no sightseeing. After visiting so many wonderful and interesting places we just needed a few days of not doing much, not seeing much to chill out.