From Tombstone we drove up to Tucson, Arizona. It was still quite hot so we just went to a Starbucks for the afternoon and did homeschooling. Once night cafe and it got cooler we found a nice Cracker Barrel to spend the night.
The next day we went to a local library for the day. It was just too hot to go outside or stay in Rover so we stayed all day in the library to keep cool and then drove to a different Cracker Barrel for the night.
It was getting hot, 95 degree hot and it was forecasted to get hotter in the next few days. Low 90’s temperatures in low humidity is hot but bearable, any more than that is too much, we really had to find an escape. Fortunately, Prescott, Arizona, just an hour and a half drive north or Phoenix is at over 5,000 feet and is 15 degrees cooler so we used our super power and headed north.
After a cool morning doing homeschooling we had lunch at Peter Piper Pizza and then we stopped by the Six Flags Hurricane Harbor waterpark for a little swim and to grab some free food. It had gotten up to 103 degrees but that was just a great temperature to be at a waterpark, especially when there was free ice cream. That evening we got to Prescott and immediately noticed the cooler temperature. We also found yet another nice Cracker Barrel to spend the evening.

The next day in Prescott Valley it was hot. But with a high of 92 degrees it still beat Phoenix which hit 105 degrees. In Prescott Valley we found the most amazing place, the Park Collective. It is a huge free indoor playground with a coffee shop and high-speed internet to boot. It was like they took a nice outdoor playground and put it indoors. It turned out that a church had taken a former supermarket and converted it into an indoor playground and community center. We spent the whole day there, playing, doing homeschool and drinking coffee. It was great, open only three months it was so clean and school had just let out for the summer so there were plenty of kids there to play with Olivia.