Category: USA travel 2021

  • June 12, 2021 Zipping and Rafting!

    June 12, 2021 Zipping and Rafting!

    Since we were not going west we suddenly had a lot more time to make it to the east coast in time for the foliage change.  We headed to Canon City where I had booked us a day of ziplines and white water rafting with the Royal Gorge Zip Line and Rafting Company.  This was…

  • June 10-11, Colorado Springs

    June 10-11, Colorado Springs

    We spent the next two days in Colorado Springs catching up on our chores.  We did homeschooling, laundry, and propane fill plus scheduled maintenance on Rover including oil change, transmission fluid flush and rear differential service.  We had intended to head west from Denver and go back to California for Olivia’s birthday but the Western…

  • June 8-9, 2021 The Great Sand Dunes National Park

    June 8-9, 2021 The Great Sand Dunes National Park

    We headed out from Pagosa Springs late the next morning on our way to the Great Sand Dunes National Park.  Along the way, we crossed Wolf Pass and the Continental Divide.  There was still some snow on the mountain so we had to stop and play in the snow for a bit.  Olivia got a…

  • June 5-7 Sand Dunes and Hot Springs

    June 5-7 Sand Dunes and Hot Springs

    June 5-7, 2021 We had every intention of getting back to White Sands at the crack of dawn to catch the light for a morning photoshoot but didn’t get there until almost nine.  Sunrise was at 6:30 AM so by the time we got on the sand the sun was high in the sky.  We…

  • June 3-4, 2021 Back to Mexico!

    June 3-4, 2021 Back to Mexico!

    June 3-4, 2021 We got up determined to use our Six Flags membership.  The weather was cloudy and forecasted to rain in the afternoon but we figured since we had passes if we could get a couple of rides in and lunch we would be ahead.  When we got to the parking lot there were…

  • June 2, 2021 – Finally on the Move AGAIN!

    June 2, 2021 – Finally on the Move AGAIN!

    Holly’s last doctor’s appointment was at 1:00 PM for an allergy appointment and she found out that she is highly allergic to grass pollen and Oak.  Fortunately she is not allergic to Oak furniture, just Oak pollen.  Treatments for allergies is a rather binary proposition, you either go with your standard over the counter allergy…

  • May 19 – June 1 Hanging Out in Texas

    May 19 – June 1 Hanging Out in Texas

    We spent an uneventful month at the Highway 6 RV resort.  The resort was nice, quiet and had good amenities. We got our second shots and had some aches and fatigue but that cleared up in a couple of days.  The free Crispy Crème doughnuts for being vaccinated were a nice bonus.  Our new health…

  • Mar 31 Hanging around Houston

    Mar 31 Hanging around Houston

    We had gotten the Moderna shot so now we would have to wait until our second appointment April 28 to get our second shot before we could head north.  We had considered going north immediately but we had a few reasons for just hanging around Houston for a month.  First, we are not sure about…

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