Category: USA travel 2021

  • Oct 31-Nov 1, 2021 Halloween!

    Oct 31-Nov 1, 2021 Halloween!

    For Halloween we returned to Six Flag again and spent the entire day there.  As one of the better Six Flags parks it deserved a second day so we could sample more rides and food.  As it got dark we went to a couple of nearby neighborhoods for trick or treating with Olivia dressing up…

  • Oct 29-30, 2021 Fort McHenry

    Oct 29-30, 2021 Fort McHenry

    The morning dawned stormy, windy and raining so we pulled into the mall next to the Cabela’s for the day.  We visited the mall and spent the day in Rover which is about a good way to spend a rainy day as any. The next day provided good weather so we drove to Baltimore and…

  • Oct 27-28, 2021 Philadelphia!

    Oct 27-28, 2021 Philadelphia!

    After over a week at my Aunt’s house it was nice to be back on the road again.  Even though we had gone out for many days and even overnighted in a hotel in New York, heading out in Rover felt like we were moving forward again.  Besides it was starting to get cold and…

  • Oct 25-26, 2021 Flushing New York

    Oct 25-26, 2021 Flushing New York

    My Aunt and Uncle were going to Las Vegas for a vacation on Tuesday so we went with them one more time on Monday.  This time we went to New York’s third Chinatown in Flushing.  New York’s three Chinatown’s are very distinctive.  The one in Manhattan is a warren of fix and six story buildings…

  • Oct 22-24, 2021 Statue of Liberty!

    Oct 22-24, 2021 Statue of Liberty!

    We returned to New York once again, this time we walked down to Battery Park where we got tickets to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  It was a nice short boat ride to Liberty Island where we joined a short ranger led talk before having lunch.  After lunch, we went to…

  • Oct 20-21, 2021 Broadway!

    Oct 20-21, 2021 Broadway!

    We had packed an overnight backpack and got a ride with my Aunt and Uncle, this time to their office in Brooklyn which was also located in Chinatown.  It seems that New York has three Chinatowns, one in Manhattan, one in Brooklyn and a newer Chinatown in Flushing.  We explored the Brooklyn Chinatown which had…

  • Oct 18-19, 2021 New York City!

    Oct 18-19, 2021 New York City!

    We got up early so we could ride with my Aunt and Uncle into New York where they worked in Chinatown.  This was perfect since our first stop in any city with a Chinatown is Chinatown!  We explored Chinatown which had a very authentic feel to it with narrow, crowded streets lined with all manner…

  • Oct 16-17, 2021 Giant Crab!

    Oct 16-17, 2021 Giant Crab!

    Connecticut is a small state so we had just one stop, Louis Lunch in New Haven.  In 1900 Louis Lassen invented the hamburger in this extremely small restaurant by broiling a ground beef patty and putting it between two slices of toast.  They still serve this original hamburger made the exact same way, even using…

  • Oct 14-15, 2021 All You Can Lobster!

    Oct 14-15, 2021 All You Can Lobster!

    A couple days of slow travel had brought us back to Boston and Holly wanted to visit Harvard University.  No sense waiting when you can start scouting out Universities for your 8-year-old child.  The university campus is lovely, full of large red brick buildings.  We were impressed to find out that the main library, which…

  • Oct 11-13, 2021 Apple Picking

    Oct 11-13, 2021 Apple Picking

    We completed our tour of route 100 by going through the Smuggler’s Notch pass which was actually used to smuggle freed slaves before the Civil War to Canada, alcohol from Canada to the US during Prohibition, and finally used by conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War to escape to Canada. Now it is a very…

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