Category: USA Travel

  • Mar 30 Covid Shot

    Mar 30 Covid Shot

    Since we had pushed on further the day before we were able to pass on the alarm and got up around 8.  For our very first meal back in the United States we went to….. Taco Bell.   Olivia wanted a breakfast burrito. Funny thing is that they usually don’t have burritos or hard shelled tacos…

  • Dec 27, Mexico at Last!

    Dec 27, Mexico at Last!

    Dec 27, 2019 This is it!  Everything done, prepared as best we can, we are finally going to Mexico!  It is funny we have been travelling for two and a half months and it is only now that I feel that our journey is beginning.  All of our travel’s up to now have been preparation…

  • Dec 26, Last day in the US!

    Dec 26, Last day in the US!

    Dec 26, 2019 We had originally planned to go to Mexico by Dec 1 and here we were almost a month late.  We really, really needed to get a move on but first we had to finish a few final chores and go to our border crossing at McAllen, about an hour’s drive away.  We…

  • Dec 25, Christmas Day

    Dec 25, Christmas Day

    Dec 25, 2019 Olivia woke up to a pair of those really dangerous shoes with the wheels on the heels and she loved it.  Olivia insisted on trying out the shoes immediately and we practiced with them until lunchtime.  After lunch I sent Holly and Olivia off to the pool while I took a look…

  • Dec 24, Christmas Eve

    Dec 24, Christmas Eve

    Dec 24, 2019 We woke up to Christmas Eve and we did not want to spend Christmas in a Walmart parking lot no matter how much easier it would make returns.  There were no good options in either South Padre Island or Port Isabel so went to the nearest larger town, Brownsville about 30 minutes…

  • Dec 23, Pirate Ship Ahoy!

    Dec 23, Pirate Ship Ahoy!

    Dec 23, 2019 While Andy Bowie was close the beach price was not worth the poor bathrooms and wifi.  There are only three choices for RV parks on South Padre Island and we went to check the other two.  One was a very nice looking KOA that was a non-starter since it was way too…

  • Dec 22, South Padre Island

    Dec 22, South Padre Island

    Dec 22, 2019 We woke up to a beautiful day, high 60’s, sunny skies, forecasted to rise to the high 70’s by Christmas.  Our original plan had us leaving the United States by the end of November and here it was Dec 22 and we were finally ready to go to Mexico!  Not quite.  We…

  • Dec 21, Another Driving Day

    Dec 21, Another Driving Day

    Dec 21, 2019 Woke up to a bright and sunny day. We had been to San Antonio before so we didn’t need to see the Alamo again but we did like the Riverwalk and it is free so thought it would be nice to go there for lunch or something.  Before going to the Riverwalk,…

  • Dec 20, Driving in the rain.

    Dec 20, Driving in the rain.

    Dec 20, 2019 We woke up in the morning to find rain and water dripping from our air conditioning unit. Apparently the shop in Livingston did not do a very good job fixing our leak.  The good news was that we had done a good job fixing the window since that was no longer leaking. …

  • Dec 19, Busted iPad

    Dec 19, Busted iPad

    Dec 19, 2019 Our destination for the day was Port Aransas near Corpus Christi.  Lonely Planet said it was one of the prettiest seaside towns in Texas and it was halfway between Houston and the border.  However we found that our ipad was not charging.  Checking on the internet I found that the First Colony…

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