St Augustine was so cute that it deserved a second day so we returned in the morning and I took Olivia to the Colonial Quarter, a historical area with re-created colonial Spanish era buildings and…
In the morning we drove from into Jacksonville We were early so we went to the Jax Beach Skatepark to hang out for the day We did some homeschooling then Olivia got to do some skating before we…
It was time for a driving and cleanup day We stopped off at a gas station to fill our water and drove about 4 hours to Lumberton, North Carolina There is nothing special about Lumberton,…
From Mount Vernon we drove down to Jamestown This was only about a 3 hour drive but between our usual late start and a bit of homework we didn’t get to Jamestown until late afternoon so we…
After all the walking and learning in Washington DC we needed a rest day We also had one more night left at the Greenbelt Campground so we drove out to get lunch and get groceries We had…
Holly was tired and wanted to spend the day working on her travel video so Olivia and I went out by ourselves We went to the National Art Gallery where we saw many fine works of art including…
We woke up and caught an Uber to the Holiday Inn The Uber was surprisingly inexpensive at $27 for the 45 minute trip By the time we checked into the hotel it was lunch time and…
For Halloween we returned to Six Flag again and spent the entire day there As one of the better Six Flags parks it deserved a second day so we could sample more rides and food As it got…
The morning dawned stormy, windy and raining so we pulled into the mall next to the Cabela’s for the day We visited the mall and spent the day in Rover which is about a good way to spend a…
After over a week at my Aunt’s house it was nice to be back on the road again Even though we had gone out for many days and even overnighted in a hotel in New York, heading out in Rover felt…
My Aunt and Uncle were going to Las Vegas for a vacation on Tuesday so we went with them one more time on Monday This time we went to New York’s third Chinatown in Flushing New York’s…
We returned to New York once again, this time we walked down to Battery Park where we got tickets to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island It was a nice short boat ride to Liberty Island…
We had packed an overnight backpack and got a ride with my Aunt and Uncle, this time to their office in Brooklyn which was also located in Chinatown It seems that New York has three Chinatowns,…
We got up early so we could ride with my Aunt and Uncle into New York where they worked in Chinatown This was perfect since our first stop in any city with a Chinatown is Chinatown! We…
Connecticut is a small state so we had just one stop, Louis Lunch in New Haven In 1900 Louis Lassen invented the hamburger in this extremely small restaurant by broiling a ground beef patty and…