Category: Mexico Travel

  • Oct 5, Valle de Bravo town

    Oct 5, Valle de Bravo town

    We had a lazy morning of homeschooling and enjoying the nice weather. After lunch we took a collective taxi into Valle de Bravo for 60 pesos.  A collective taxi is basically a regular car taxi that functions as a bus, running a specific route, picking up and dropping off passengers along the way.  The taxi…

  • Oct 4, Valle De Bravo

    Oct 4, Valle De Bravo

    We woke up in the morning with a about a four hour drive to Valle de Bravo.  Since we had some extra time we went to the local Children’s museum but they were closed for the pandemic.  However the Costco next door was still open so we went there instead.  We really didn’t need anything…

  • Oct 3 Cuernavaca

    Oct 3 Cuernavaca

    We got up bright and early to leave.  Our destination was Valle De Bravo with Google showing a six and a half hour drive although I knew that it would take us closer to nine hours if we drove straight through since we are big and slow moving.  I knew that we were not going…

  • Oct 2, Acapulco

    Oct 2, Acapulco

    In order to get the most of our last day at Dreams we planned to leave after lunch.  We might have been able to stay for dinner but we wanted to make sure we got to the nearby RV park well before 5 pm to make sure we could get in or find somewhere else…

  • Oct 1, On the Road again!

    Oct 1, On the Road again!

    After over 6 months in the El Rancho RV Park we finally decided it was time to get back on the road.  Both a lot and very little has happened since our last post.  We mostly stayed at the RV park passing the days with homeschooling and occasional parties such as my birthday party and…

  • May 24, Music Video

    While we are still in Oaxaca, isolating, there are a few things still happening. The most exciting of which is that we are in a music video made by our friends Stacey and Matheu. See if you can find us! Check it out and give it a like.

  • May 1, Living Large under lockdown

    May 1, 2020 We have been in Oaxaca for almost a month and a half now, rarely leaving the El Rancho RV Park.  Life here is pretty good.  Rent is cheap, a vegetable truck comes twice a week, we get deliveries of meat, beer, drinking water, propane, Walmart, Amazon and Costco.  We have a nice…

  • March 22, Our Regularly Scheduled Posts Will Resume After This Pandemic.

    March 22, Our Regularly Scheduled Posts Will Resume After This Pandemic.

    March 22, 2020 Although there has been no governmental action in Mexico with the President of Mexico in complete denial of the situation we have considered ourselves in lockdown since March 20.  Although there are only a few hundred official cases in Mexico and only two confirmed cases in Oaxaca, the actual numbers are certainly…

  • March 20, 21 Pizza Party!

    March 20, 21 Pizza Party!

    March 20, 2020 The news from the US gets worse and worse.  Things are being shut down, the economy is going to the pits.  For us, although there is a lot of talk about the virus it was just another day at the resort.  The weather is bright and warm and the kids spent the…

  • March 19, Oaxaca

    March 19, Oaxaca

    March 19, 2020 We had come to Oaxaca because it has a reputation for good food and it was time to check it out.  The El Rancho RV park is not actually in Oaxaca but in the town of Santa Maria del Tule which is a suburb or Oaxaca.  We had to take a bus…

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